You know you’re in trouble when your child’s first word is “HORSE”.

The one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell.  …The Horseaholic


2017 Ride Schedule

Location:                           Date:

*Algonquin                            Sept. 1-4  Cancelled

Horse Country                      Sept. 11-17

South Algonquin                  Sept. 23-25

East Gate Algonquin           Sept. 29-Oct. 1

Vivian Forest                        Oct. 6-9


*Trail conditions are very wet-muddy-slippery.  One bridge on Thistle Trail has been moved out of place by the high water.  The Park has “do not enter tape” across the trail to keep riders out of that section of trail.  It has been suggested that no-one ride the trails at this time .  Hopefully we will get drier weather soon and the trails will start to dry out. We do not want to cause any damage or we could lose access to the entire Park.  We have a ride at the end of Sept. in the same location if it drys up sufficiently by then.  Follow OTRA on Facebook for  ride details.

Week of June 28 – July 9, ride and camp, Otter Creek, Ny.  A few OTRA riders traveled to one of their favourite venues.  Every self respecting trail rider must visit Otter Creek at least once before they hang up their boots.  Ron Keeler told us that he came close to having his filled with water this trip. Lol  The Wiarton 7 Day ride and camp was a success as always. Helmut said that no stone was left upturned.  Word is out about  this ride.  You are fed breakfast, lunch and diner for 7 days. Hay is provided for your horse.  You just show up and ride.  Good deal!   Helmut left the Wiarton ride on day 5 so he could ride the **Dufferin Forest, August 4-7, host Sonya Wyss.  The ride was perfect.  Thirteen riders split into different  interest groups. Competitive pace, horse and bicycle in harmony pace and the  trail horse pace.  My group had the pleasure of meeting and learning from Yvonne and Stewart Dunkley.  They live in the area and frequent the Dufferin weekly.  We didn’t want the weekend to end.  Yvonne was impressed with the various campers OTRA people were using.  She suggested that we talk about them in a future article.  This will  give members new to camping with their horses an idea of what to expect.  Great advice Yvonne.  Many thanks to Sonya for hosting this fun filled weekend.   Dundas Valley Equestrian Campout/Fundraiser,  Sept. 11, 12, 13.  The parking lots started to fill up early Friday.  People were high lining and using portable fences to contain their horses.   Horses and trailers everywhere.   The Valley was buzzing with exuberance.  Carissa Bishop, Valley Superintendent and the Staff of the Hamilton Conservation Authority were super ambassadors for the fundraiser..  Between the registration fees, the donations, and the raffle table over ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) was raised.  The money is used to build and maintain the horse friendly bridges. Hoot! Hoot!

Another memorable summer for OTRA.  Yeehaw!

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

A real cowboy ain’t the one that gets on a bull to show off to a bunch of girls a real cowboy is the man that is out in the snow at 10 below caring for this cows before anything else.

**OTRA is represented as one of the user groups in the Dufferin Forest Main Tract, along with 100’s  of unaffiliated riders.  We are currently making an effort to renegotiate trail usage with the Forest.  We do no believe in segregation.  Multi-use or shared trails can work.

Join the Dufferin Forest Riding Club FB page to keep up to date.  Stewart Dunkley

Happy Trails,

Lana English