2018 Tentative OTRA Ride Schedule

Location Date Host

Dufferin Forest May 4-6 Karen Plume

Helmut’s Vivian Forest May 18-21 Helmut Hitscherich

OMSSU-Poker Run June 2-Day Ride Elaine Weisner

Dufferin Forest June 8-10 Sonya Wyss

Helmut’s Vivian Forest Ride June 22-24 Helmut Hitscherich

Ottter Creek Week of June 27- Helmut Hitscherich

July 5

Horse Country July 9-16 Ann and Bob Gillis

Helmut’s Vivian Forest July 20-22 Helmut Hitscherich

Wiarton 7 Day Ride July 29-Aug 5 Chesley

Dufferin Forest Aug. 3-6 Sonya Wyss

Dundas Aug. 10-12 Dundas Staff

Algonquin Aug. 31-Sept. 3 Jan Belanger

Dundas Sept. 8-Day Ride Lana English and Linda Fell

Simcoe County Forest Ride Sept 14-16 Richard Gauthier

South Algonquin Sept. 21-23 Tammy and Lyle Donaldson

East Gate Algonquin Sept. 28-Oct.1 Ellie Heinz

Helmut’s Vivian Forest Oct. 5-Oct.8 Helmut Hitscherich



* Further information will be on the Website Calendar
** Must be a member to participate in Rides
*** Must provide Proof of Liability Insurance


  1. Dolina Puccia on February 2, 2018 at 1:18 pm

    Your ride schedule looks great. I am hoping to share this at the GHGO meeting on Sunday.